Insights and inputs from our team and around the web.

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- Written by: Ivania Garcia
Despite the popularity of mobile coupons and discount apps, consumers are slow to give up their paper coupons.
eMarketer estimates that 52% of adults will use digital coupons in 2017, up from 51% in 2016 and 48% in 2015. Growth is expected to continue through the forecast period (2017-2021), although that growth will gradually slow from 3.8% in 2017 to 2.1% in 2021.

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- Written by: Paula Smart
Despite US changes to the Paris Accord, choices that positively impact the environment are still appealing to many consumers. In the Print World, recycled materials are being requested more frequently and most offices participate in recycling efforts. Those products which highlight their “greenness” have the advantage of giving users a comfort level that they are making a difference. Fortunately, with new product developments, choosing sustainable products does not mean sacrificing quality or expense.

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- Written by: Brianna Long
If you’re trying to market your business, you most certainly need a social media strategy to be effective. In 2016, internet users had an average of 7 social accounts, up from 3 in 2012. See this and other social media statistics.
Using social media can improve your search engine ranking, increase your brand awareness and create a connection with your clients. Being consistent is key. Here are a few tips to consider:

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- Written by: Ivania Garcia
Creating a personalized print or multichannel marketing campaign takes significant investment in time, energy, and resources. You want to get maximum return on your investment. How do you know what is working and what isn’t? You have to measure the results.
Measuring results goes beyond determining ROI. Sure, it’s important to know what kind of return you are getting, but it’s just as important to ask why you got the results you did. What factors influenced the conversion rate and value per sale? Why was this campaign more or less effective than the one before?

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- Written by: Ben Noebels
For years, there have been certain individuals pushing the envelope by printing technical drawings in color. Most of these individuals did this printing in secret, after hours or over weekends when no one was not around because color printing was too expensive and too slow. Wide format color from your inkjet printer was used only for design meetings and client presentations.

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- Written by: Steve Johns
Direct mail advertising has been a staple of marketers everywhere for many years. Since the advent of the Sears & Roebuck mail order catalog in the early 1900s, direct mail has evolved into an important part of the marketing equation. Even as email and on-line marketing was supposed to be the next big thing; direct mail has remained steady and even shown some growth over the past few years. There are several key reasons this form of advertising has proven so resilient for so long.

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- Written by: Richard Lira
The human body uses many vitamins and minerals to perform a variety of functions. One of the primary vitamins that the body uses is Vitamin D. It is important to understand what Vitamin D is, where it comes from, and how it affects the human body. Vitamin D, also known as calcitriol, is a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for the regulation of calcium in the body. It's often known as the "sunshine vitamin," because your body can make vitamin D on its own after exposure to sunlight. Additionally, food is a source of Vitamin D. Fish is one of the more common natural sources of Vitamin D. Some examples are salmon, mackerel, sardines, and cod liver oil. To make vitamin D more available, it is added to dairy products, juices, and cereals that are then said to be "fortified with vitamin D." But most vitamin D - 80% to 90% of what the body gets - is obtained through exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D can also be made in the laboratory as medicine.

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- Written by: Kent Long
The true job of a printer is to provide a total solution to their customer. The solution should meet their needs, last for the period of time desired, and of course in the end make for a satisfied and loyal customer. The printer has many potential solutions in ways that were not previously available. In the past the printer would migrate to a particular type print device that best fits the need of the customer. Today, that process is still done but the advances in the number and types of substrates that printers can print to have made learning about and choosing the proper substrate a very important part of the solution. Educating the customer throughout the sales process about substrates will aid in their decision-making process.

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- Written by: Ira Bowman
“Print is dead” is a phrase you often hear. Truly, many clients are sending shorter runs to their printers than in years past for traditional pieces such as brochures, business cards and calendars. On the other hand, the number of runs has increased for non-traditional pieces like vehicle wraps, wallpaper, and floor mats. The shorter runs are bad for some traditional methods of printing such as web press, but it’s created opportunities for the technology printers use and the products printers can output to evolve. The net result has not reduced, but rather increased, the overall volume of items being produced. To be clear, print is very much not dead.

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- Written by: Andrew McConnell
Getting clever with the material options is one way to achieve a particular goal. Often in the digital industry, print is achieved by tried and true methods and materials. But sometimes a client has a need that doesn’t neatly fit into the standard production method. It is these times where an experienced sales rep partnered with an experienced production team can pull things together. Not too long ago, Thomas we approached by a large restaurant chain to authentically reproduce about 90 somewhat distressed-looking antique signs.

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- Written by: Jake Markey
In today’s competitive advertising market, companies use a wide variety of adhesive vinyl materials to stick to various substrates for many different uses. Adhesive vinyl can be used to cover walls, cars, boats, tables or most anything else you can think of with advertising or decoration. However, one of the most common problems the consumers of these products run into is picking the correct vinyl to use for their application. Most don’t realize that there is a difference between materials such as cast vinyl and calendared vinyl or permanent vs removable vs static. They each have their benefits and limitations. In this post, I’d like to touch on cast vs calendared.

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- Written by: Kevin Hughes
There are several things to consider when choosing a custom printed wall covering. The good news is that there is a solution and a covering for any wall, inside or out. Beyond the environment, the other options you will have to consider are type of adhesion, installation technique, and the best material for the job.
Wall covering material can be fabric, paper, vinyl, or film. You will need to consider the environment (inside, outside, type of wall, size) to determine which material will be the best for your customer’s needs. There is an appeal to each material.

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- Written by: Elizabeth Woods
Personalized printing, in which marketers personalize marketing text, images, and other content based on what marketers know about the recipient, gets better results than static mail. But by itself, just dropping in data-driven content doesn’t guarantee success. Let’s look at three best practices that need to be the foundation of all 1:1 print marketing.

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- Written by: Pat Gremillion
What does Coca Cola mean to you? Coca Cola is one of the most iconic brands on the planet. Can you see the Coca Cola red? Can you visualize the logo on a 12 ounce can, a 16 ounce bottle, the side of a Coca Cola truck pulling out of a parking lot? Can you hear the fizz after it is poured into a glass? Can you feel the sensation and taste the flavor when it is in your mouth? Iconic brands are embedded in our memories. These brands represent experiences and your relationship with the product. An iconic brand is a carefully defined look, feel, taste, smell, sound, and more importantly, association to the product. This association represents value. This value is the value of brand.

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- Written by: Elizabeth Woods
“Sales management is the process of developing a sales force, coordinating sales operations, and implementing sales techniques that allow a business to consistently hit, and hopefully exceed its sales goals.”
The challenging question for all that are, or aspire to be, in Sales Management is: what is the best way to lead a sales team? There are as many answers to that question as there are days in the year… and then some.

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- Written by: Elizabeth Woods
Are you tired of hearing people talk about the benefits of going entirely paperless? We are! Especially when it comes to marketing, that’s just not a smart move. When our inboxes are clogged with spam and any company can look big and successful online, print carries weight and inspires confidence in a way that digital channels do not. People just trust print more.

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- Written by: Miguel Correa
The days of drab and institutional-looking hospitals and urgent care facilities are finally gone! Hooray for color and the feeling of warmth while visiting a place filled with trauma and angst. Out are the beiges, yellows and cold-looking walls. In are full color wall murals, gorgeous art pieces and unique branding opportunities all over. Gone are simple banners and foam board. In are direct print metallic dibond panels, adhesive vinyl and dreamscape wall murals, custom printed acrovyn, floor graphics, magnetic signage and so much more. With the help of printers and signmakers, health care facilities are now able to achieve a whole new state of being.

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- Written by: Chris Miller
2017 presents itself with many trends in many different vertical markets, which can be addressed using new digital print technology to help create impactful interior environments. In the commercial real estate market, a few major trends were uncovered in an interview with one of the marketing directors for one of the larger firms in the world.

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- Written by: Jeff Beane
There are two mistakes that people make before they even begin to think about their New Year’s resolutions.
- They think about what they should do, rather than what they really want to do.
- They think about what they should stop doing, rather than what they actually want to achieve. “What should I do this year?” “What should I stop doing?”, “What do other people suggest that I should work on?”

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- Written by: Elizabeth Woods
Your customers are bombarded with marketing messages–email, SMS text messaging, newsletters, direct mail, and social media. How can you break through all that clutter? Get back to the basics of great marketing!
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