Insights and inputs from our team and around the web.
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- Written by: Super User
7. Do a Stunt Just to Get Attention
The above pictures of an art student and her graduation project got international press. The car was donated to her by a local junk yard and their name on the windshield launched them into world-wide notoriety, not to mention a huge spike in local business and sight-seer traffic. It might as well have been for a vehicle wrap installer. The hard part is coming up with an idea that will get noticed, but don't try to make it happen all by yourself. Always be ready to jump on a good idea when it comes to you. This car was already junk and not a huge loss for the junk yard, but a short-sighted owner might have only seen the profit they were losing in parts and scrap sales. Don't be guided by fear - build funding for some small, low-risk stunts into your budget and listen to people who ask for help with a project (especially hippie-looking art students).

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- Written by: Elizabeth Woods
Trade show display graphics are an excellent way to help you stand out in a crowd and appeal to an audience of people that are inherently interested in what you do. First impressions are lasting impressions, and your display booth can attract new potential customers, based simply on eye-catching trade show display graphics. Thomas Reprographics can create the type of look you need to stand out in a crowd.

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- Written by: Super User
Did you miss Part I? See it here!
4. Take Advantage of Uniquely Functional Vehicles
The tanker in the picture doesn't quite nail it, but I love the idea that this truck could be full of Pepsi on it's way to Circle K. But your product doesn't have to be a liquid to advertise on a tanker truck. How about a truck full of elbow grease so you can work harder for your customers? Or a delivery of glue because you'll stick it out till the end. Or an entire tanker of whoop-ass because a single can just isn't enough. Doing print ad on the side of a bus is fine, but isn't going to make you rich. Different is good - a dump truck wrapped to be a delivery of money to your investors, a garbage truck full of good ideas that weren't good enough for you, a cement truck with a logo that's both upside down and right side up, just the fact that you thought it through enough to do both will impress potential customers and get you some attention.

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- Written by: Super User
Have you ever seen a police car or emergency vehicle that looked outdated or not well maintained? Police cars and emergency vehicles need to stand out in a crowd for may reasons, but looking like an old school relic isn’t one of them.
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- Written by: Super User
1. Good Design Is Key
This ad for Jack Daniels on a London cab be easily seen from skyscraper windows and it looks classy and interesting from the street. A great combination of good design and creative positioning.
Another example from the UK, this wrap for a printing company is loud enough to get a lot of attention but understated and elegant enough to convert viewers into customers. This design is stark contrast to the huge-text, in-your-face, explosion-and-fire designs of most commercial wraps on the road. No one has ever been annoyed into becoming a customer. Good design in vehicle wraps is surprisingly hard to find. A clever, well-designed vehicle wrap is an easy and immediate way to set your ad campaign miles ahead of everything else out there.
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- Written by: Super User

Whether you’re hosting an event and need to direct the flow of traffic or attending an event and need to get some attention, Thomas Reprographics can help. We can make high-quality banners in pretty much any shape and size to fit whatever needs you may have — all the way up to 12 feet wide. But you can go even wider by stringing several together into a huge panoramic image. Our retractable stands make for easy transportation, plus they come with carrying cases. You can choose from single- or double-sided stands for maximum exposure. We also work with a number of excellent vendors to provide impressive expo booths. We can print any graphic on waterproof fabric and set you up with a stunning display booth. For more information on all the amazing things we can do to get you attention, give us a call at (877) 312-7347.
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- Written by: Super User
You’ve finished your design and you’re ready to send it off to the printers. You triumphantly click “file” and “save as” but momentarily falter as you scan down the endless list of three letter suffixes. Which one should go after the dot at the end of your document title? You created your amazing document in Word 2007, but your work computers are still using Word 2003, and every time you try to send that to someone they email you back saying they can’t see it. So maybe you should save it as '03 compatible, but what if the printer uses a Mac? So maybe you should export it as a PDF, but every time you do that it ends up looking blurry plus it takes forever to open.
This is a very common conundrum that Thomas Reprographics has dealt with on countless occasions. Fortunately, there is an easy solution. If your document is smaller than 11" x 17", you can save it as PostScript (.ps) file, and if it’s bigger than that, you can save it as an Encapsulated PostScript (.eps) file. The beauty of these formats are that they include all the data, including fonts, graphics, layout, images, etc., into a single file that can be translated by a printer. If a document is not saved in one of these universal formats, the printer you send it to must have the exact same program with the correct version that was used to create it. Most people have Microsoft Word, but not everyone has the most recent version. In fact, even different settings can cause a layout to get jumbled. There are even more issues if your document was created in a more professional design program like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. Some designs can have hundreds of layers and elements working together within one document that can only be decoded by Photoshop or Illustrator.
Saving and sending your creations in a standard .ps or .eps format will guarantee that your design will be printed looking exactly the way you made it. For more information or help with saving and printing as a PostScript or Encapsulated PostScript file, check out the following resources:
- From Thomas: Digital Tips
- From Adobe: PostScript printer drivers for Windows and Adobe PostScript 3 Overview
- From Microsoft: Save your publication as a page-independent PostScript file for commercial printing and Why a commercial printer wants a PostScript or PDF file
- From Wikipedia: PostScript
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- Written by: Super User
Getting messages in front of a captive audience is one of the biggest marketing challenges faced by today’s brands. In the high-tech age we live in, messages bombard consumers constantly, and people have learned to tune out messages from sources like TV, radio, the Internet and print. That’s why so many brands choose to drive their advertising with vehicle wraps and fleet graphics. Vehicle wraps and fleet graphics have proven to be successful for several reasons. First and foremost, drivers are a captive audience – or at least we all hope they are. In all seriousness, the very act of driving requires that people pay attention to their surroundings, and to the vehicles in their proximity. The numbers regarding vehicle wraps and fleet graphics speak loud and clear:
- 97% said they remembered ads displayed on trucks**
- 29% said they would base a buying decision on these impressions*
- 96% claimed fleet graphics had more impact than billboards**
- 98% felt that the ad created a positive image for the advertiser**
When you look at those percentages, combined with the fact that fleet graphics give an average of 101 impressions for each mile traveled, it’s easy to see why brands are choosing to drive advertising with vehicle wraps and fleet graphics! Of course, deciding to utilize vehicle wraps and fleet graphics seems like an easy decision. Fortunately, so is choosing the right printer to make sure that your vehicle wraps and fleet graphics pop off your vehicle with brilliant color and clarity. Thomas Reprographics is an established industry leader in wide-format color printing. With over 50 years of experience, Thomas Reprographics helped pioneer full-color printing for vehicle wraps and fleet graphics, and provides a turnkey solution, from production all the way through installation on the vehicle.
Call 1.800.TRREPRO (877-312-7347) to speak with a Thomas Reprographics Print Expert to learn more.
* Results of study by the American Trucking Association. ** Results of study by Robinson, Yesawich & Pepperdine Inc.- Details
- Written by: Super User
Across a wide range of industries, companies are discovering the big benefits of large format color printing. Large, beautifully printed signs and banners are a proven way to deliver messages to consumers. Studies show that color messages are far more captivating and memorable than black and white. Size also matters, with bigger messages subconsciously placed in higher priority than small messages. Take advantage of large format color printing to sell your message! There are several formats that you can take advantage of, depending on your specific needs.
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